UNIVERSITÄT ZU KÖLN - W1 Digital Transformation and Innovation

Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences

Frist: 12.05.2024

The University of Cologne is one of the oldest and largest universities in Germany. With its six Faculties covering a broad spectrum of disciplines and its internationally outstanding research profile areas, it enjoys an excellent reputation for its academic achievements and high standards of undergraduate and graduate education. The position is based in the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, which is consistently ranked among the top schools in research and teaching.


As successful candidate, you will contribute to research, teaching, and academic administration of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences. You are expected to participate in joint research activities of the Faculty, e.g., in at least one of the Faculty’s Key Research Initiatives, such as Analytics and Transformation. You will be part of the Cologne Institute for Information Systems (CIIS). You will teach courses related to digital transformation as well as digital innovation and entrepreneurship.


We are seeking an academic at an early career stage in the field of Information Systems with an excellent track record in research and teaching on digital transformation and innovation. We expect the successful candidate to have a promising publication pipeline, including published or forthcoming work in leading journals or conference proceedings.


The University of Cologne provides a stimulating academic environment with a wide range of career development opportunities as well as support services for dual career couples and family-friendly working conditions. The position (of a Juniorprofessorin / Juniorprofessor) is available as of 01.03.2025. Formal requirements are detailed in Section 36 of the Higher Education Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Hochschulgesetz – HG NRW).

In the third year after entering into office, an interim evaluation is held. This serves as the basis for the decision as to whether an extension for a further three years will be granted to the candidate. W1 professorships comprise a teaching load of four hours per week (i.e., two hours per week is one 90-minute course per semester) in the first qualification phase and five hours per week in the second qualification phase.

The University of Cologne is committed to equal opportunities and diversity. Women are especially encouraged to apply and will be considered preferentially in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesgleichstellungsgesetz – LGG NRW). We also expressly welcome applications from people with disabilities/ special needs or of equal status.

Please submit your application (without a photo) via the University of Cologne’s Academic Job Portal (https://professorships.uni-koeln.de) by 12.05.2024. Your application should be addressed to the Dean of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Science. It should consist of the following documents (in English language): cover letter, curriculum vitae, a publication list, your top five publications / working papers, teaching evaluations (if available) as well as research and teaching statements. For further information, please contact Prof. Dr. Stefan Seidel (stefan.seidel@wiso.uni-koeln.de).