UNIVERSITÄT TÜBINGEN - W3 ML Engineering and Technology Transfer

The Tübingen AI Center invites applications for the position of Full Professor in Machine Learning (ML) Engineering and Technology Transfer at the University of Tübingen, which is available immediately. The position is designed to focus on the engineering aspects of machine learning and to lead the development of entrepreneurial activities at the Tübingen AI Center.

Frist: 14.06.2023

The Tübingen AI Center connects world-class researchers with a growing network of startups and companies in collaboration with the Cyber Valley initiative, the ELLIS research institute, and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems. Cyber Valley offers involved venture investors, incubation programs, and innovative support for entrepreneurs who want to turn research into startups. Successful candidates will complement and strengthen this growing ecosystem through networking and entrepreneurial activities at the interface between research and industry.

We seek candidates with a track record of ML research, development of ML solutions in industry, and expertise in large-scale software systems engineering. The successful candidate is expected to pursue novel, inspiring and unique work focused on “machine learning in the world”, with an emphasis on technology transfer, education, entrepreneurship, and a positive impact on society. An entrepreneurial mindset and practice are essential.

An important aspect of this position is the training of a new generation of ML system developers to bring ML technology to industry (in particular, deep tech startups). The successful candidate will therefore put strong emphasis on developing appropriate training approaches. Teaching activities will focus on equipping local and international students with engineering skills, knowledge of practical machine learning, and an entrepreneurial mindset that meets the challenges of a global AI industry. Teaching and research are conducted in English. 


  • PhD or equivalent degree in Computer Science or a related field as well as postdoctoral qualifications and teaching experience equivalent to the requirements of a full professorship.
  • Extensive experience in developing and using machine learning in industry
  • Excellent software engineering skills, intimate knowledge of large-scale machine learning tools and systems, including experience building tooling and products
  • Strong publication record and research experience in applied machine learning with a focus on positive societal impact 
  • Mentorship experience and a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion

The teaching and research duties connected with this position can be conducted in English.

The University of Tübingen is committed to equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion. Female scientists, in particular, are explicitly invited to apply, as are applicants from outside Germany. Applications from equally qualified candidates with disabilities will be given preference. 

General information on professorships, hiring processes, and the German academic system can be found here: https://uni-tuebingen.de/en/213700  

Location: The center is located near Stuttgart in the historic university town of Tübingen, a beautiful location in southwestern Germany near a large natural preserve. Major cities including Zurich, Munich and Frankfurt can be reached within a few hours by public transport. Stuttgart airport, with many direct flights to major international cities, can be reached within half an hour. 

To submit your application, please upload the following documents via https://tuebingen.ai/careers by 14 June 2023

  • Filled Application Form (download here: https://tuebingen.ai/careers)
  • Cover letter with your research statement, CV including list of publications and copies of relevant certificates (PhD degree and higher) in a single pdf 

As an alternative to the upload, you can also send the application documents with the subject “Professorship ML Eng & TT” to the Central Office of the Tübingen AI Center (lynn.anthonissen@uni-tuebingen.de). Inquiries about the position may be directed to the Central Office of the Tübingen AI Center (lynn.anthonissen@uni-tuebingen.de).