UNIVERSITÄT POTSDAM - W3 Technology Law and AI Regulation

The Digital Engineering Faculty (DEF) of the University of Potsdam (UP) invites applications for a joint professorship with the Hasso Plattner Institute for Digital Engineering gGmbH (HPI) to be filled as soon as possible: Full Professorship (W 3) in Technology Law and AI Regulation

Frist: 31.01.2024

Founded in 1991, the University of Potsdam has firmly established itself in the scientific landscape and has become an outstanding economic factor and development engine for the region. It has a high level of third-party funding, has won several awards for teaching, and has a service-oriented administration and has received several awards for being family-friendly. Around 21,000 students and 3,000 employees work at three locations - Am Neuen Palais, Griebnitzsee and Golm - at one of the most beautifully situated academic institutions in Germany.

The Digital Engineering Faculty is organized as a joint venture of UP and HPI. We are looking for a strong candidate at the intersection of law, regulation, and information technology. As part of our current growth initiative, we are looking for candidates with a strong internationally recognized research profile and a clear commitment to teaching.

We seek a candidate with an academic profile in IT law, European and international regulation of data and artificial intelligence systems and their application to AI systems development and deployment, with several of the following research topics:

  • European law, including the GDPR, the Data Act, and the AI Act
  • Regulations governing privacy, ownership, transparency, and liability in the context of AI
  • Legal and ethical implications of Big Data and AI on technology research and society
  • Internet and platform regulation and governmental surveillance
  • Explainable AI, algorithmic accountability
  • Data protection and privacy
  • Algorithmic bias, diversity, and fairness

The candidate should demonstrate excellence in aspects, such as:

  • Outstanding publication record in the top-ranked publication outlets
  • Applying their research to concrete use cases, such as predictive policing, health tech, or medical law
  • Teaching in technology law and regulation in practice and theory for undergraduate and graduate levels
  • Supervision at bachelor, master, and Ph.D. level
  • Acquisition of external funding through public and industry grants
  • Fluent English and preferably German language skills

The Digital Engineering Faculty, through HPI and UP, offers excellent opportunities for researchers to grow their research and teaching skills even further. We are looking for a team oriented and committed professional who fits well into our inclusive and family-friendly environment. Proficiency in German is initially not required.