UNIVERSITÄT KONSTANZ - W3 Data Analytics and Computational Statistics

The Department of Computer and Information Science in the Faculty of Sciences seeks to fill this position by April 1, 2025 or by agreement.

Frist: 31.01.2024

The University of Konstanz is one of eleven Universities of Excellence in Germany. Since 2007 it has been successful in the German Excellence Initiative and its follow-up programme, the Excellence Strategy.

The successful candidate designs and develops novel methods and techniques in the intersection of statistics (e.g., Bayesian statistics, statistical learning, and statistical inference), scientific computing (e.g., numerical methods, signal processing, optimization, parallel and distributed computing), and data analytics (e.g., big data analytics, big data mining, and data science). A close connection of these fields to applications in economics, political science, psychology, or sociology is expected.

The holder of the position takes a leading role in the interdisciplinary Master's program in Social and Economic Data Science (SEDS). A close cooperation with the members of our department in its research area “Analysis and interactive visualization of complex models and large data spaces” and with work groups of the university in the field of Data Science is also expected. Finally, contributions to and integration with the department’s interdisciplinary initiatives (e.g., Center for Human Data Society) are highly desirable.

Recruitment requirements are a university degree and doctorate in “Computer Science” (“Informatik”) or a closely related field as well as habilitation or equivalent scientific achievement. Applicants should have a strong research record substantiated through publications at high-rank venues, experience in obtaining external funding, and project leadership. Equally important, the applicant must be able to provide quality teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels in the programs offered by the department. The candidate is expected to teach courses in German within three years of appointment.

For further information please contact the head of the department, Prof. Dr. Bastian Goldlücke (bastian.goldluecke@uni-konstanz.de, +49 7531 88-2383). If you have questions concerning the application procedure, please contact the director of the faculty administration Ms. Helgard Fischer (sek1.ref@uni-konstanz.de, +49 7531 88-2413).

In all other respects, the hiring requirements for professorships follow from § 47 paragraph 1,2 of the Landeshochschulgesetz.

We look forward to receiving your application with the usual documents (curriculum vitae, publication list, a list of courses taught, a list of grants with funding amount and awards, statements on current research topics, future research directions and interests as well as on teaching) until January 31, 2024 via our Online Application Portal.

Reference No. 2023/287.