UNIVERSITÄT BERN - 2 PhD and Research Assistant Positions in Information Systems – Voice Assistants and Fairness

Join our dynamic team at the University of Bern and embark on groundbreaking research in Information Systems as we explore novel interfaces and configurations for AI-based voice assistants, aiming to promote fairness and balanced alignment of interests, while providing excellent opportunities for personal and professional development (100%, Bern, 01.10.2023 (or by arrangement)).

Frist: 14.08.2023

The Information Management Group is part of the Institute of Information Systems at the University of Bern, and is dedicated to the opportunities and challenges of digitalization in business, society, and administration. Using a broad spectrum of methods, we investigate how technologies should be used, designed and managed to achieve the best benefits for all involved stakeholders.

Project background

While AI-based voice assistants (e.g., Siri, Alexa) provide manifold opportunities for consumers, their technological abilities restrict the amount of information submitted during interactions. This can lead to information asymmetries and undesired outcomes for consumers. It can also lead to perceptions of being treated unfairly, which in turn might lead to fewer purchases or churn. Therefore, this project aims to identify, develop, and implement novel interfaces and configurations for AI-based voice assistants that lead to a more balanced alignment of interests. As a PhD student in this project, you will collect empirical evidence and test first prototypes of AI-based voice assistants that can reduce unfairness perceptions for consumers while ensuring adequate outcomes for providers. Working on this project will provide you with an exciting and responsible job with excellent opportunities for further training and development.


  • Actively driving and managing an ambitious research project
  • Planning, coordinating, and executing several empirical studies
  • Publishing scientific findings at internationally recognized conferences and in leading journals
  • Supervising courses and student projects as well as administrative support of the Institute


  • An excellent Master's degree from an accredited university, preferably in Information Systems, Business Administration with a technical focus, Computer Science, or comparable
  • High interest in Information Systems research and high aspiration for delivering excellent results
  • “Getting-things-done”-mindset
  • Flexible, autonomous, and structured working style
  • Strong communication and teamwork skills as well as creativity
  • Excellent German and/or English skills

We offer

  • Exciting and challenging tasks in research, teaching, and industry work
  • Excellent working atmosphere and high quality of life in Bern
  • Attractive remuneration
  • Participation in renowned scientific conferences
  • Comprehensive supervision during Doctorate studies
  • Possibility of didactic training


Additional information about the Institute can be found at www.iwi.unibe.ch.

Information on doctoral studies and admission requirements at the WISO Faculty of the University of Bern can be found at: www.bwl.unibe.ch/studium/studienprogramme/doktorat/index_ger.html

If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Dr. Christian Matt (christian.matt@unibe.ch). Please send your application electronically via the application form or by e-mail to team.executive.iwi@unibe.ch. You will receive a confirmation of receipt shortly.