RU BOCHUM - W2 t.t. W2 Security and Trustworthiness of Online Information

As part of the Research Alliance Ruhr, the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security (RC Trust) is seeking to fill the following position at the Faculty of Computer Science, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, as early as possible: Professorship for Security and Trustworthiness of Online Information (m/f/d) (W2 tenure-track W2).

Frist: 04.06.2024

The Ruhr area, one of Europe‘s largest metropolitan regions, offers attractive career opportunities for excellent scientists and scholars from around the world. In 2021, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, TU Dortmund University and the University of Duisburg-Essen established the Research Alliance Ruhr to bundle their cutting-edge international research on the most urgent challenges facing humankind. There will be four research centers and a college. This is just the latest chapter in our long-standing collaboration as the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr), a community of 14,000 researchers and 120,000 students in the heart of Germany.


The person selected to hold the new professorship for Security and Trustworthiness of Online Information will specialize in research and teaching related to security mechanisms that are used for building trustworthiness in online information. The successful candidate is expected to contribute to English-language courses either in RUB’s computer science or dedicated IT security study programs.


The RC Trust center will enable research that connects computer science, cybersecurity & privacy, and interdisciplinary work in order to increase trust in the digital world. We are looking for candidates with publications with strong technical components that relate to interdisciplinary issues. Applicants should also have a proven track record working in international teams. Candidates must have excellent research experience in several of the following areas:

  • Misinformation and propaganda on the internet
  • Trust in grassroots information
  • Online censorship
  • User trust in online media in international settings

Applicants must have undergraduate and graduate degrees in computer science, and complement the research activities of the Faculty of Computer Science. They should also be committed to contribute to interdisciplinary collaborative research projects and collaborations within and outside the RC Trust and the Universities of the Research Alliance Ruhr. Prerequisites for the position are excellent scientific qualifications, usually demonstrated by a doctorate of outstanding quality, top international publications, as well as proof of suitability for academic teaching. Strong social and leadership skills and willingness to participate in academic self-administration complete your profile.

The successful candidate will initially be appointed as a temporary civil servant for five years. At the end of this five-year period at the latest, the tenure track will lead to continued employment as a tenured W2 university professor, provided that the necessary aptitude, competence and academic performance have been demonstrated and that the legal requirements pertaining to Section 38 of the North Rhine-Westphalia Higher Education Act (HG NRW, Gesetz über die Hochschulen des Landes Nordrhein-West- falen) are met. In addition, the recruitment criteria of Sections 36 and 37 of the North Rhine-Westphalia Higher Education Act (Gesetz über die Hochschulen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, HG NRW) apply.


The professorship will be part of the newly established Research Center Trustworthy Data Science and Security. The Center will enable research that connects psychology, computer science, statistics, and cyber security in order to empower humans to understand, control and verify artificial intelligence technology as well as modern machine learning in (semi-) automated decision making. RC Trust is linked to all three member universities of the University Alliance Ruhr. We offer an excellent scientific environment and attractive opportunities for collaboration with renowned international, national, and regional partners. The professorship will be closely associated with the Faculty of Computer Science and the Horst Görtz Institute for IT Security (HGI). HGI is home to the Cluster of Excellence „CASA: Cyber Security in the Age of Large-Scale Adversaries“ funded with approximately 30 million euros by the DFG. In addition, collaboration with the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) is possible. These outstanding research institutions position Bohum with its extremely vibrant digital eco system as one of the leading research locations for IT Security in Europe. There is also ample opportunity to interact with the well-developed start-up community in the area of security and computer science.


The Research Alliance Ruhr is a joint endavoer of the three universities in the Ruhr area and was initiated by the Ruhr Conference. The four centers will focus on „One Health,“ „Chemical Sciences and Sustainability,“ „Trustworthy Data Science and Security,“ and „Future Energy Materials and Systems.” In addition, the „College for Social Sciences and Humanities” is established.

The Research Alliance Ruhr will appoint up to 50 research professors in the next few years and also offer numerous positions for research assistants. Join us now to create innovations for the world of tomorrow in Europe‘s densest university landscape, where you can find a wide range of scientific and industrial partners right on the doorstep.


Our Welcome Services are happy to assist especially international applicants and their families with relocating to the Ruhr area, an up-and-coming metropolitan region. We can advise you on housing in urban or more rural areas and help you find childcare if needed. Our Dual Career Service can help your partner with their own professional development in the region if requested.


The UA Ruhr promotes diversity and equal opportunities. We strive to significantly increase the percentage of women in research and teaching and therefore welcome applications from female academics. We give preference to severely disabled applicants if their qualifications meet the requirements.


Further information about the Research Center Trustworthy Data Science can be found at:

There you will also find the advertisements for other open professorships of the RC Trust.


If you are interested in the position, please send your application with reference to ANR 3303 in a single PDF file by June 4, 2024 to:

Please provide the usual documents:

(1) CV, (2) list of publications, (3) documents demonstrating your academic and professional career, including copies of certificates, (4) an exposé of your research profile with reference to its relevance for the Research Center, (5) a list of successful external grant applications, (6) an overview of your experience in academic self-admin- istration, and (7) a teaching-learning concept including information on your previous teaching activities.

Questions will be answered by Prof. Christof Paar: