LEOPOLD FRANZENS UNIVERSITÄT INNSBRUCK - University Professor Computer Science with Focus on Artificial Intelligence

The University of Innsbruck invites applications for the position of University Professor of Computer Science with Focus on Artificial Intelligence at the Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics

Frist: 22.12.2023

It is a position in accordance with § 98 of the Austrian Universities’ Act (Universitätsgesetz - UG) and will be based on a civil-law employment contract with the University on the basis of the Salaried Employees Act (Angestelltengesetz). The contract will be concluded for an unlimited period; the extent of employment is 100%.

The position integrates into an attractive environment of existing activities in artificial intelligence such as machine learning for robotics and computer vision, natural language processing, recommender systems, schedulers, virtual and augmented reality, and digital forensics.


The candidate should engage in research and teaching in the general area of artificial intelligence. Examples of possible foci include

  • machine learning for pattern recognition, prediction and decision making
  • data-driven, adaptive, learning and self-optimizing systems
  • explainable and transparent AI
  • representation learning; generative models
  • neuro-symbolic AI
  • causality
  • distributed/decentralized learning
  • environmentally-friendly, sustainable, data-efficient, privacy-preserving AI
  • neuromorphic computing and hardware aspects
  • knowledge representations, reasoning, ontologies

Cooperations with research groups at the Department of Computer Science, the Research Areas and in particular the Digital Science Center of the University as well as with business, industry and international research institutions are expected. The candidate should reinforce or complement existing strengths of the Department of Computer Science.

Teaching comprises courses especially in the area of artificial intelligence. This includes all degree programs of computer science as well as the teaching degree in Computer Science for secondary schools. Additionally, supervision of Bachelor, Master and PhD theses is expected.

This position also involves contributions to academic administration and self-governance as well as to the department’s and faculty’s working groups.

Employment Requirements

  1. a degree in higher education in Austria or the equivalent abroad, pertinent to the position;
  2. pertinent habilitation or comparable qualification (e.g. senior lecturer, associate professor);
  3. publications in leading international peer-reviewed academic journals;
  4. proven competence in the development of AI methods;
  5. evidence of involvement in international research;
  6. interdisciplinary collaboration
  7. relevant international experience;
  8. experience in acquiring and managing external research funds;
  9. pronounced teaching skills;
  10. management skills;
  11. the ability to teach in English;
  12. knowledge of German is not a prerequisite; however, the holder of the position will be expected to become sufficiently proficient to teach in the German Bachelor program within 2 years.

Applications must be received by


at Universität Innsbruck Fakultäten Servicestelle Standort Technikerstraße 17, A-6020 Innsbruck (fss-technik@uibk.ac.at).

The University of Innsbruck is committed to increasing the percentage of female employees especially in leading positions and therefore explicitly invites women to apply. In the case of equivalent qualifications, women will be given preference.

In line with the Collective Bargaining Agreement professors are in remuneration group A 1, i.e., for a full-term professorship the basic salary is 5.826,50 Euro (14 times). Depending on qualification and experience a higher salary and facilities can be negotiated with the Rector. The university also offers attractive additional benefits (http://www.uibk.ac.at/universitaet/zusatzleistungen/).

The application should include: a curriculum vitae with a description of your scholarly and professional career; a list of scientific publications, lectures and other academic work and projects, including projects funded by third parties; a description of completed, current and intended research; a teaching concept and the five most important works. All documents have to be submitted in digital form (PDF) by e-mail to fss-technik@uibk.ac.at.

The full, authoritative text in German (published in the official bulletin of the University of 02.11.2023) can be found at https://www.uibk.ac.at/karriere/index.html.en.

Up-to-date information on the state of the opening can be found at https://www.uibk.ac.at/fakultaeten-servicestelle/standorte/technikerstrasse/berufung/

Univ.- Prof.in Dr.in Veronika Sexl
R e k t o r i n