We are looking for an internationally recognized researcher (m/f/d) with expertise in both theory and application of deep machine learning methods. Applications by candidates with a background in Mathematics and/or Computer Science are welcome.
Possible research topics include:
Candidates are expected to be internationally active in their research community, successful with grant acquisition and excellent teachers on all levels of our curricula. Teaching languages are German and English. The willingness to take over existing courses for students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science as well as for students of other faculties is required. Moreover, active participation in the design of a new study program in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science is expected.
With a distinguished focus on all aspects relating to the management of natural resources, the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg features a unique profile in the areas of earth, material, energy and environment sciences. The willingness and ability for cooperation with fellow researchers from the department of Mathematics and Computer Science as well as interdisciplinary collaboration is therefore of great importance.
You fulfill the general requirements for appointment according to § 59 of the “Sächsisches Hochschulgesetz” (Higher Education Act of Saxony), dated May 31, 2023, in its currently valid and applicable version.
The prerequisites are a degree, the special qualification for relevant scientific work (usually proven by a doctorate), habilitation or habilitation-equivalent achievements as well as pedagogical aptitude and university didactic knowledge.
Severely disabled or equivalent applicants (m/f/d) will be given preferential consideration in the event of equal suitability. For appropriate consideration, we ask that proof of the severe disability/equality be attached to the application documents. The TU Bergakademie Freiberg is a family-friendly and provides support in the provision of childcare facili-ties as well as in the placement of appropriate jobs in the region for life partners (m/f/d) or spouses (m/f/d) (dual career couples). It strives to increase the proportion of women in teaching and research. Qualified female scientists are there-fore invited to apply.
Applications, stating the advertisement reference number (240-E/2024), should be sent with a curriculum vitae, a description of academic career, a list of publications with copies of the most important publications, a list of courses taught, the results of evaluations carried out in recent years, a certified copy of the highest academic degree, and a cover letter indicating your motivation for applying, as well as a research and teaching concept, by February 28, 2025 to the:
TU Bergakademie Freiberg - Human Resources Department - 09596 Freiberg
preferably via email: bewerbungen@tu-freiberg.de.
If you have any questions, please contact Prof. Jens Kortus (phone +49-3731-39-4008; E-Mail: Jens.Kor-tus@physik.tu-freiberg.de).
Please note that your application documents will not be returned. Please submit copies of your certificates only. Travel and other costs for interviews will not be reimbursed.